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Touring in the Czech Republic
May-June 2015

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The Bike
The Preparations
My route
The Start

Day 6, from Benesov to Prague

Thursday, May 28, 2015

It is just a little more then fourty kilometer to Prague and we could check in at the Botel (Boot-Hotel) at one o'clock so there was no need to hurry. So after a lousy breakfast with bad coffee in the hotel, we went into town to get a good cup of morning-coffee and see downtown Benesov.

We found a small cafe in downtown Benesov, where we had a fine cappuccino.

A fine cappuccino

Next to the entrance of a bank were two statues, both clearly from the sovjet period.

Sovjet period statue

In the same street as the hotel was a big wall painting on a building, very impressive. Look how the lines of the building merge with the painting !

A beautiful painting

After our walk through Benesov, we went back to the hotel and had another cappuccino in the restaurant of the hotel and at eleven o'clock, we checked out, got on out bikes and left the parking of the hotel.
The first thing we did was finding a gas station and with our tanks full, we went to Prague.

The first part of the trip to Prague was on quiet roads through nice villages but the closer we came to Prague, the more traffic was on the roads. It took us an hour to get to Prague and another hour to get to the hotel through the busy traffic in Prague.

Quiet roads near Benesov....

... and busy traffic in Prague

It was almost one o'clock when we parked our bikes close to the main entrance, under the stairway, to Botel Albatros.

Our bikes at Botel Albatros

The Botel has a nice "nautic" theme, with a lot of wood and copper and the rooms are small but comfortable.

The entrance of the Botel

After we unloaded our motorcycles, we changed from motorcycle clothes to walking clothes and went sightseeing in Prague. Via the Charles Bridge (Karluc Most) we walked to the Prague castle on the hill.

Prague castle on the other side of the river Moldau

The entrance tower of the Charles Bridge

The crucifix on the center of the bridge

A lot of people on the bridge, like this lady, who was making soap bubbles

A street artist with a guitar playing puppet

A car from a Thai Massage shop (No, I did not get a Thai massage today)

An old tram (there are a lot of modern tram too)

We walked all the way up to the Prague Castle but it was worth it. The view over the city was marvelous.

Prague as seen from the Prague Castle

A nice building

The statue of an agressive guy.....

Changing of the guard

In the Prague Castle is the St Vitus Cathedral, an impressive building inside and outside.

In the St Vitus Cathedral

The St Vitus Cathedral

I guess they do some restauration here ?

Another nice building of the Prague Castle

A beautiful big courtyard

I do not know what this guy wanted but he made a lot of noise

There are a lot of organised Segway tours in Prague

Street artists, playing very good jazz

A pedalo in the shape of a swan

"Ginger and Fred" building or "the dancing house"

There were a lot of pedalos on the Moldau

Prague is really a beautiful city

A little after five in the afternoon, I saw a nice terace on the bank of the Moldau so we went there and had a nice cold beer, while looking at the pedalos in the river and the nice scenery.

A view from behind our beer

After a while, we walked on in the direction of our Botel but first we wanted to have dinner. We found Restaurace Tkaicovsky Dvur. The tables were on a roof of a building so we had a nice view. The Czech food was very nice and after dinner we had a espresso before we went to the hotel.

Eating at Restaurace Tkaicovsky Dvur

From the restaurant, we walked to what is probably the most narrow street in Europe. It is so narrow that there are traffic lights because it impossible to pass another person in this street.

A very narrow street

Almost half an hour later, we came back at the Botel and before we went to our rooms for the night, we had a cup of coffee in the restaurant on the boat.

The Botel Albatros in the Moldau

We have seen and done a lot this day and enjoyed it very much. Tomorrow we will visit the old city center.

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
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