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WingDing Denmark

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July 28 - Aug 7, 2007

Thursday, August 2, 2007
Today was the first official WingDing day.
Wednesday evening was a good evening. Drinking wine and talking with my Estonian and Scandinavian friends. This morning I woke up at seven and had a shower and breakfast.
The Estonians had to leave in time to catch a ferry so after breakfast they left.

Going back home

After they left, I walked around the campsite to look at the bikes. Some GoldWings are just overloaded with chrome but some are really nice and customised with good taste.

A very nice 1800

On the parking in front of the youth hostel, I met two CMA riders from Holland, on their way to a treffen in Sweden.

Two CMA members

There was a French couple with a wonderfull GL1800 trike with a color matching trailer. It had lots of chrome and many light, visible and hidden. Not my style of bike but nice to see.

GL1800 trike

Look at all the details......

The weather was fine so it was time to go for a ride and to see something of Denmark. Because I wanted to go to Berlin on Monday, I first go to Gedser, to the ferryport to get a timetable.

That wooden thing on the right is art. (they say)

I drove to Gedser and got a timetable from Scandlines with the times for the ferry to Rostock in Germany. Then I rode past the ferryport to take a look at the ferry that was just arriving.

The costline near the ferryport in Gedser

The Prins Joachim coming from Rostock

After watching the ferry arrive and taking a few pictures, I got on my GoldWng again and drove North again. Near the port of Gedser was a beautiful lighthouse on a hill. I found a small road that ran past it so I could get a good look at it.

Lighthouse near Gedser

Back on the E55 again, I saw a nice windmill. Maybe it is because I'm a Dutchman but I really like the old kind of windmill. (not the big generator windmills the build now) so I stopped to take a picture.


A little later I turned right onto the Margueritrute and drove all the way to Hesnaes. I rode past beuatifull farms, forrest and grassland. Denmark is a very nice country.

Typical Danish farmhouse

In Hesnaes was a sand sculpture contest going on. They were building some realy nice sculptures out of sand. Impressive !

The beach of Hesnaes

Artist at work

The coast at Hesnaes

From the beach of Hesnaes, I rode to the Motorcycle Museum in Stubbekobing. After I parked the GoldWing on the gravel parkinglot behind the museum, I walked to the frontdoor and saw a sign "motorcycle parking" right next to the door.......OK, next time.

Motorcycle museum

A Triumph 500cc Speed Twin from 1939

A Harley boxer engine !!

After spending an hour or so in the museum, I rode back to Sakskobing, to the camping and parked my bike in front of my cabin.

At the campsite

My neighbours at the campsite. Nice classic !

That afternoon, I walked to the vendor tent to look at all the nice chrome and other things they have for sale. There ws a Western shop with clothing and jewelery, a "chrome" shop and Rita and Michael from Bike Butler (the drinkholders)

Some of the vendors

Rita and Michael from Bike Butler

There was a trailer with chrome accesoires outside the tent and in a big hall next to it were some more stands with GWRRA t-shirts and pins, accessoires from Dimac, another Western shop and a jewelery stand.

A trike parked next to the vendor tent

In the big hall was also a mini bikeshow with some very nice customised GoldWings, some trikes and a few Valkery's.

Very nice paintjob

Then, at 18:00 hour, it was time for the opening ceremony. Peter Russell, the GWRRA director for International affairs was the first to speak.

A big hall with a lot of GWRRA members

After the introduction, members of any country, one country at a time, were asked to stand. When it was time for the Netherlands, I was the only one......

Tormod and Inger-Lise

Ed Price, the Manager Director of GWRRA Events Division also had something to say. He came over from the US to join this event.

Peter Russell and Ed Price

WingDing Europe was initiated and organised by Aage ”Duke” Schoug. For this effort, he got a present at the opening ceremony.

"Duke" and his present

Some more speakers were the mayor of Sakskobing and the Director of the Danish GWRRA chapter.

The "celebrities" at the stage :-)

After the ceremony it was time for dinner. For 100 Dkr, you could eat as much as you liked. It was getting dark and it was raining again so most people stayed in the hall to get their dinner. It is a pitty it is raining so much this summer.

He will keep his seat dry with that nice seatcover

After dinner I was invited by members of the Danish chapter to join them for a beer. I did not had to drive anymore so why not. It was a nice group and we had a good time. I did notice that those Scandinavians drink a lot more beer then I do........

GWRRA Chapter DK-A having fun

After some beer and talking to some people, I walked back to my cabin. It was still raining so I'm very happy I have a cabin and my tent could stay in my saddlebag.

Trike at night

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg, 2007