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WingDing Denmark

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July 28 - Aug 7, 2007

Sunday, August 5, 2007
When I wake up at half past six in the morning I have a headache so I took two aspirines and went to bed again. An hour later my headache was gone so I took a shower en went to the youth hostel for breakfast.

A lot of people were leaving already. Not so strange because the people from Spain and Italy had a log trip to make to get home.

Going home

Others were packing their tents and loading the bikes. Fortunately it was a sunny morning so the tents could dry quickly.

Loading the bikes

Loading the bike .... in the trailer

Packing the tent

....and leaving for the trip home

My neighbour was leaving too, with his tent in his home made trailer. He had to make a two day trip to get home in Northern Sweden.

Nice trailer

I needed electricity to load my Tomtom and headset so I asked Lars if I could get electricity in the cabin but when he heard that it was for loading the Tomtom and headset only, he offered me to load them in his office. Very nice. I got the Tomtom and headset and the chargers and left them in the camping building for an hour or two so they were fully loaden for my trip tomorrow.

Then it was time for the closing ceremony. There were some prices to give away and everyone was singing "Happy Birthday" for Peter Russell. Peter and Ed both got an engraved glass mug.

Ed gets his mug

A price winner

Speech by "the Duke"

After the official part, Desert Track played the GoldWing song again and some other songs while a lot of people left on their journey home.

Desert Track for the last time this WingDing


After the ceremony I walked back to the youth hostel and had a nice chat with Rita and Michael from Bike Butler and a Danish men and his son from Sakskobing.

Rita and Michael

After Rita and Michael and the Danish guys left, I sat at a table with some English and American members and while we were sitting there, another Danisch man came looking at the GoldWings on his Nimbus with sidecar.

Nimbus with sidecar

Valve springs in the open air !!

Aroung eight, it was time for dinner so the whole group went to the youth hostel. It was a very international group. Judy & Dave were there, Americans living in Poland, Edward from the US, Bob & Kathy from the US, Dave & Meike from the UK, Bruce and his wife also from the US, Neil from the UK, Bryan and Juliana from New Zeeland, Sergio Cafarelli from Italy/Spain, Peter & Lesley from the UK, another British Winger who's name I forgot (sorry!) and me, from the Netherlands.

WingDing in a local newspaper

Neil wanted a good picture of it....

Peter and Sergio thanked Lars and his girlfriend for their good service. With their friendliness they made WingDing really better.


And then we enjoyed a very nice dinner. This years last dinner in Sakskobing but I hope we'll be back next year.


After dinner, we said everybody goodbye and went to our tents, hotel, youth hostel and cabins.

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg, 2007