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Round trip in Luxembourg

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Sept 12 to 15, 2016

Wednesday, September 14, 2016,

Breakfast was on half past eight so at a little past nine o'clock, I was on my way for my round trip in Luxembourg. From Berdorf I went to Echternach and from Echternach, I took the N10 to Schengen, in the South of Luxembourg. The N10 runs close to the river Sūre. This river is the border between Luxembourg and Germany.

Bridges over the river Sūre

A cargoship on the Sūre

The other bank of the river is in Germany

Close to Schengen, I noticed a strange monument with some very high trees around it. I went back to find out what it was. Fortunately, there was a plaque that explained what it was. The monument is a reconstruction of the base of a Roman tomb from the beginning of our era. It was at a Roman villa of a Gallo-Roman wine merchant.

A reconstruction of the base of a Roman tomb

From Schengen, I went to Esch-sur-Alzette. In Esch-sur-Alzette I had a milkshake and a cheeseburger at a 'Quick' restaurant.

A milkshake and a cheeseburger

After lunch, I got on the bike again and went to Gaichel, a small village near Arlon.

On my way to Gaichel, I saw a interesting churchtower. One big tower with a smaller towers on two sides. Unfortunately I can't remember the name of the place.

Interesting churchtower

In Gaichel, I bought a 2 liter bottle of water and drank some of it before I programmed the Tomtom for Esch-sur-Sure. On the map I had seen that there is a nice curvy scenic route.

In Gaichel

On my way to Esch-sur-Sure, I saw a strange busstop with a barrier like what you see at a railway crossing next to it. I think there has been a railway here. It was in Redange.

Busstop in Redange

There is a big dam and a reservoir of the hydroelectric power plant near Esch-sur-Sure and the road is right on top of the dam. I took some pictures there of both sides of the dam.

My bike near the dam near Esch-sur-Sure

The high side of the dam

The side of the reservoir

The valley

Shortly after I left the dam, I rode through a short tunnel into Esch-sur-Sure. There is a nice castle on the hills but you have to walk up the hill to get there and with 30 degrees Celcius, wearing my motorcycle outfit, it was much to hot to do that.

I rode my bike through some very steep and narrow streets and then left Esch-sur-Sure, through another tunnel, on my way to Clervaux.

The castle in Esch-sur-Sure

The road from Esch-sur-Sure to Clervaux is for most parts, a three lane road. Every few kilometers, one direction get two lanes and the other direction one and vice versa. On the two-lane sections, the speed limit is 110 km/h and on the one-lane sections 90 km/h.

Clervaux is a nice town with a beautiful church a big castle. Today was a 'riding day' but some other day, I will visit Clervaux to view the church and castle.

A beautiful church in Clervaux

The castle in Clervaux

From Clervaux, I went to Huldange, in the far North of Luxembourg. The scenery is very wide and you can see the fields on the hills far away and the windmills that catch the wind on the plains.

Rolling hills and windmills

Close to Huldange, I stopped at a tower and two monuments. One monument was to remember 150 years of independence and the celebration of Jean being 25 years Grand-Duc of Luxembourg in 1989. The other was to honour the 87th U.S. Infantry division of the 3rd U.S. Army that liberated Wasserbillig and Huldange from the nazi's in january 1945.

A tower and two memorials

150 year Luxembourg

87th U.S. Infantry division

In Huldange, I stopped next to a church and then I looked for another scenic route to the East of Luxembourg. So my next destination in the Tomtom is Rodershausen, close to the German border.


Half an hour later, i arrived in Rodershausen. A small village. From Rodershausen, I will ride next to the river Our to Vianden.


It was a nice road, along the winding river Our. Great scenery, sunny weather and a good bike. I am happy !

The road along the Our

On my way to Vianden, I passed a small monument at the village Bivels. A number of houses that were here, had to be demolished and rebuild on hihgher ground, because of the reservoir for the hydroelectric power plant at Vianden.

The monument at Bivels

The monument is at number 7 on this map

Beautiful view on the reservoir in the valley of the Our

Soon I arrived at the dam near Vianden and on the hill in the distance, I saw the beautiful Chateau de Vianden.

The dam and the castle

From the dam, I went to the town of Vianden and then I took the road in the direction of Echternach.

Bridge over the Our in Vianden

Via a road across the border into Germany I went South and after twenty minutes, I crossed a very narrow bridge, back into Luxembourg.

Back to Luxembourg

Soon I was back at the hotel in Berdorf. It was half past five in the afternoon. Back at the hotel I got a beer and then I had a salad with melon, olives and ham. I also got some bread with it (not on the picture).

Salad with melon, olives and ham

After this tasty and healthy meal, I had a coffee. It was halfpast seven when I left the hotel for a short walk and it was almost sunset.

Berdorf at sunset

Back at the hotel, I checked the weather report. For the next day, a lot of rain was expected. After a long period of hot weather, the roads will get slippery when it rains because the dirt end rubber from the car-tires will float to the surface. I don't like slippery roads in combination with narrow hairpins......

So, the next ride would be, back to the Netherlands.

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021