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To the 2012 HU Meeting in Germany

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June 9 and 10, 2012


In September 2006 I went to the HU travelers meeting in Widooie in Belgium on my BMW F650GS. I enjoyed it very much and wanted to do it again.
Last year I saw a message about a HU meeting in Germany but at that time I could not go so I wanted to go this year.

As always when I want to go somewhere, there are a lot of other things that had to be done and this time was no exception. One of my nephews was getting married the Friday of the HU meeting and on Saturday afternoon one of my friends had an anniversary because he was married 25 years. Unfortunately there are only 24 hours in a day and one life to be lived so I had to choose. It was difficult but I decided to attend half of the wedding and skip the anniversary.

Friday after the wedding in the townhal in Zierikzee, I went home to pack my

luggage for the HU meeting and my wife and children went to the wedding of my nephew in church.

This time I left my bike in the garage because I wanted to test the Suzuki Samurai 4x4. Until now I never for a longer the 200 km ride and now I wanted to test it on the almost 500 km to the HU meeting near Heidelberg in Germany.

I checked the oil- and coolant-level of the car, packed some clothing and a toothbrush in a backpack, booked a hotel near the HU meeting area and planned and printed a route on the map (
Because the top-speed of the little jeep is not up to modern highway standards, I decided to use the "avoid freeways" function on my old Tomtom one.

Saturday, June 9, 2012,

My alarm clock was set at six in the morning and after a shower and a coffee, I waited for my wife to arrive back from work with the Suzuki. Finally, at half past seven, she arrived home and after drinking coffee together, I left home to the HU meeting in Germany.

Because I started an hour later then I wanted, I decided to ride the first few hundred kilometers through Belgium on the A13 - E313 freeway.

On the freeway in Belgium

There is not much traffic on the road on Saturday morning and doing 90 to 100 km per hour I reached Eupen in Belgium, close to the German border about ten o'clock AM.

The petrol-station in Eupen

At the petrol-station I stopped to fill the tank and then I went into Germany.

After the boring freeway in Belgium, it was a releif to ride the nice backroads in Germany. With the "avoid freeways" function of my GPS, I found some very exciting roads meandering up and down the mountains. I passed through the nice old town of Blankenheim through the big citygate

Nice country road in Germany

Entering Blankenheim

Just outside the city of Blankenheim, I stopped at a very nice hotel-restaurant for a cappuccino. It is Hotel-Restaurant Finkenberg on Giesental 2,53945 Blankenheim/Eifel. They welkom bikers and the coffee was very good.

Hotel-Restaurant Finkenberg

A good cappuccino in a very nice cup

After I had my coffee, I went back to the Suzuki and continued on the beautiful roads through the Eifel, past the Nürnburgring racing circuit to Löf, on the bank of the river Mosel.

View on the Eifel

At Löf, on the bank of the Mosel, I stopped for a short pause and to take some piuctures. Fortunately, the weather is very nice and I enjoy my ride.

Parked near the river Mosel

I follow the road on the bank of the Mosel and enjoy the view on the river and the castles on the mountain tops.

Big castle near the Mosel

Another nice castle

At Löf, I crossed the Mozel and used the GPS to find a nice road to Boppard on the bank of the Rhein.
I parked the car on a parking near the Lorelei, a rock on the eastern bank of the Rhine near St. Goarshausen. It is here on the narrowest part of the river where rocks below the waterline and strong current sank many ships in the past that the legend of the Lorelei started.

The Lorelei from the legend is a feminine water spirit or siren, like a mermaids. Sitting on the rock, in the bend the Rhine, she was combing her golden hair, and distracted shipmen with her beauty and song. That caused the ships to crash on the rocks in the dangerous bend of the Rhein.

The Suzuki near the Lorelei

Another nice object is Pfalzgrafenstein Castle or "Burg Pfalzgrafenstein". It is a toll castle on Falkenau island in the middle of the Rhine river near Kaub. It was build in 1326 to 1327 by King Ludwig the Bavarian.

Burg Pfalzgrafenstein in the middle of the river

It is very nice to ride the bank of the Rhein. The views on the castles and the nice towns are very beautiful and worth coming back to on another holiday.

Beautiful castles and towns on the river banks

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021