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To Paris on a Cruiser

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Sunday, July 17th, 2005

From Brunehamel we ride to Rumigny. The road that goes into Rumigny goes straight to a big castle in a park. I tell Bruno I want to take a picture so he stops and I go back for the picture. It looks nice and I want to get back here some day because you can take a guided tour in the castle.

A Castle in the park

I don't want Bruno to wait to long so I get on the BMW again and we go past Mon Idee to Rocroi. Before we enter Rocroi, we stop to look at the old embankment around the town and the old bridge.

The old embankment and bridge of Rocroi

Then we enter Rocroi and through Rocroi we get back on the road, the D1 to Revin.
We see a lot of bikers comming from the opposite direction and soon we know why.... This is a road, made for bikers. Through the forrest, over the hills, the roads winds through the beautiful scenery. The bike is running fine, the sun is shining, this is near perfection!

A "bikers road"

At a observation post, we stop to look at a resevoir. You can see the waterlevel is much lower then normal because of the drought. It is nice to stand here, the bikes ticking from the heat, we enjoying the shadow and the beautiful views.

Resevoir (look at the low water level because of the drought)

From Revin we ride on the banks of the Maas, that is the river that goes from France through Belgium to Holland. The river flows from Revin past Fumay to Givet, into Belgium. In Fumay, we fill our tanks one more time so now I can drive home without another stop for gas.

Along the river Maas

From Givet we ride to Dinant. In Dinant we want to have dinner.
It is always beautiful to follow a river. Nice villages, small boats in the river and a nice winding road.

A nice view on the river

When you drive on the bank of the Maas into Dinant, you can see the old fortress of Dinant on the top of the mountain. On the waterfront of Dinant there are lots of bars and restaurants and in one of these restaurants we want to have dinner.

The fortress of Dinant (on the mountain)

We park the bikes next to the river and go to "Taverne Wiertz" for a steak with pepersauce and french fries. That tastes good after a long day on the road.
It is seven o'clock PM now and time to move on so we pay the bill and now we have to get out of Dinant. That is not so easy because the narrow streets of the old town are packed with cars. I follow Bruno on his Ducati in a very "Non_BMW" driving style. Sometimes scary because my BMW is a lot wider then Bruno's Ducati.....

Here we had our dinner

Finaly we leave Dinant and drive to Namur. From Namur, we get on the freeway to Brussels and from the ring around Brussels, we get on the A12 in the direction of Antwerp.
In Puurs, a small town near Sint Niklaas, South of Antwerp we stop at the MacDonald for a milkshake and then it's time to part. Bruno goes to a BBQ party in Puurs and I have another 50 km to go to get home.

At ten o'clock PM and after 895 km, I park the BMW in the garage after a very enjoyable day on the road.
The only negative thing was the idling problems with the BMW. When it was hot it stalled when idling and that was very anoying in the Paris traffic. I'm still in my guarantee period so I'll go back to the dealer to get it fixed.

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg, 2006