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Trip to Schloss Neuschwanstein

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May/June 2011

Thursday, June 3, 2011,

This morning at six in the morning (!!!) the chuchbells in the church on the square started ringing and that woke up the children in the room next to me. From then on it was impossible to sleep so I watched CNN until a little before seven. Then I took a shower and went to the garage to get the bike ready.

The room was fine but the neighbours were to noisy

With all my luggage on the bike, I waited in front of the café until I could get breakfast. At a quarter past seven, I decided to SMS the hotel owner and ten minutes later he arrived at the hotel. His service is good and I had a good breakfast.

Just before eight I left Ollern in Austria under a clouwdy sky, for my trip North, to the sun.....

After almost an hour riding, it's time for a break

Every 100 km, I stop to drink some water, sometimes buy a coffee and something to eat and to stretch my legs and arms. Every second stop (every 200km) I fill the tank again at an Autohof.

Food and drink stop at Autogrill Donautal Ost (on autobahn 3 Nord in Germany)

Around one o'clock I stopped at Autobahn Tankstelle Jura - Ostseitte to fill the tank and drink a can of Redbull and some water.

When it was almost two in the afternoon I got hungry so when I saw a big golden M in the distance, I left the autobahn and found a MacDonald to get a Big Mac and a MacShake.

MacDonalds near Nürnberg along the A3 to Frankfurt

At half past four I was just past Frankfurt Airport.

My plan for today was, to ride to the North-West, towards the nice weather and to find a hotel when I did not want to ride on. I was very lucky with the traffic conditions. I had no traffic jams at all. Sometimes, at road works, I had to slow down to 80 km/h but most of the time I could cruise at 120 to 140 km/h. Because I drank a lot of water and some coffee and stopped every hour, I was not extremely tired.
In the beginning of the evening, I stopped at a hotel near the freeway in Geleen in the Netherlands but I did not feel like stopping now I was so close to home so I decided to go for the last part through Belgium to Antwerp and from there North, to my home.

At half past nine in the evening I parked the BMW back in the garage after a 2705 km trip in Germany and Austria. I have been lucky with only a little rain when I left HohenSchwangau. The BMW did 24.5 km on a liter on average over the whole trip.(+/- 4 liter/100km)

Home, after 2705 km on the BMW

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Last modified: 7 September 2022
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg, 2006