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Trip to Schloss Neuschwanstein

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May/June 2011

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

This morning I woke up early, around half past six in the morning. At seven, I went downstairs to have a nice breakfast with lots of coffee and a few minutes before eight, I was on the road again to the main target of this trip, Schloss Neuschwanstein.
The weather report predicted a lot of rain today but when I left, the weather was very nice so I decided to take advantage of the nice weather and take the autobahn until the Füssen exit.

At almost nine o'clock, I filled my tank again at the ARAL gasstation in Leinfelden-Echterdingen near Stuttgart. The fuel consumption was almost 25 km on one liter. At half past ten, I needed a break so I stopt at Rasthof Ittertal for a cappuccino and donut (€ 5.20 and not very good!)

Rasthof Ittertal

Most of the time I could ride between 120 and 140 km/hour but just outside Stuttgart in the direction of Munchen there was a giant trafficjam. I was glad I was on a bike so I could ride between the cars. After a few kilometers of heavy traffic, I went in the direction of Füssen while most cars had to go in the direction of Munchen so from there on the road was clear and I could go a little faster again.

Finaly I saw the mountains in the distance. I know it is not allowed but I had to stop for a picture

Getting closer to the mountains

My timing was perfect because at twelve oçlock, just before the rain started, I could park my bike next to Alpenhotel Allgäu in Hohenschwangau while I could see the castle in the distance.

Alpenhotel Allgäu in Hohenschwangau

After bringing my luggage to my room I walked to the ticket office in Hohenschwangau to get a ticket to visit the castle.

Neuschwanstein from the road to Hohenschwangau

The ticket office in Hohenschwangau

With a bus filled with tourist like sardines in a can, I drove to the castle but the last part was to narrow for the bus so everybody had to walk. From that path, you could see the Schloss Hohenschwangau in the distance. Schloss Hohenschwangau is the castle that the father of king Ludwig II build. King Ludwig II lived there until het could move to his own castle, Neuschwanstein but he lived less then a year in Neuschwanstein before he died.

Schloss Hohenschwangau

After a short walk in the rain, I arrived at the main gate of Neuschwanstein. There were hundreds of tourist there from all over the world.

The main gate of Neuschwanstein

From the main gate, you could see the Marienbrücke, a small bride over a waterfall in the mountains behind the castle.

the Marienbrücke

I had to wait more then half an hour before my guided tour (in English) began.
It was almost industrial. Big groups of people had the numer of their tour and as soon as that number came on a display above a gate. As soon as your number was on the display, you had only a short time to check in or else the ticket could not be used anymore......
I think there were about 50 people in a group and one group after the other was entering the castle...... Big business !

My ticket for the 14:10 English guided tour

Waiting for the start of the guided tour

Alpenhotel Allgäu seen from the castle

Unfortunately it was not allowed to take pictures during the tour but it is a very beautifull castle inside and outside. The girl that showed us around told about King Ludwig II and showed us his rooms. Very interessting but unfortunately the group was so big and there were so many groups so there was not much room or time to look around.

After the tour I walked to the Marienbrücke to get a good look to the other side of the castle. Very nice.

Neuschwanstein seen from the Marienbrücke

With the bus I went back to Hohenschwangau and in the rain, I walked back to the hotel.

Walking in the rain in Hohenschwangau

The restaurant of the hotel is closed on Tuesdays so I had to walk to Hohenschwangau to have a nice "Schnitzel Wiener Art" in the "Allgäuer Stüberl".

The Allgäuer Stüberl with Neuschwanstein in the background

I booked my hotel for tommorrow, s´Wirtshaus Gasthof on Hauptplatz 7 in Ollern am Riederberg near Vienna in Austria.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Breakfast in Alpenhotel Allgäu is on eight in the morning. At a quarter to nine, I'm on the bike again. First I go to the Aral gasstation in Schwangau to fill the tank. 9.92 liter for 235,3 km (1/23,7) and then I go in the direction of Vienna in Austria.

As predicted, the weather is bad. A hard wind and a lot of rain. Not the nicest weather to ride a bike and not much scenery to enjoy because all the mountains of the Alps are covered in clouds.

No mountains on the horizon, just clouds

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg, 2006