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A trip to France and Spain

September 2012
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The Bike
The Preparations
My route
The Start

ITo the Nordcape
To Gibraltar

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Visiting Barcelona

It was a few minutes past eight o'clock when the Metro left station Moncada Ripollet. It was only a few minutes walking from the hotel to the staion.
I bought a two way ticket and in the train, I asked a lady who could speak English if she could tell me where to get out of the train.

Station Moncada Ripollet, close to the hotel

I had to get out at Metro station Plaza Catalunya, a big Metro station in the centyer of Barcelona, below a big square (plaza). Fortunately, the lady was so kind to tell me where to get out. I went upstairs and arrived at a big plaza with many tour bus stops.
The receptionist at the hotel had advised me to buy a dayticket for the hop on hop off Barcelona tour and I got a discount because I bought a bus-package at the hotel. The bustours all start at the Plaza Catalunya.

Arriving in Barcelona at the Plaza Catalunya

I got on the blue line that went to the Sagrada Familia, the most famous building in Barcelona. It is an impressive building and it is still under construction.

Sagrada Familia

Painting the Sagrada Familia

I walked all the way around the Sagrada Familia but did not go inside. The line for the ticket office was at least a hundred meters and I can not stand waiting in line for a long time. (I think that has something to do with having ADHD)

Anyway, after walking around the Sagrada Familia I got thirsty and bought a very nice but expensive (3.60 euro) cappuccino in a cafe next to the Sagrada Familia.

Cappuccino, next to the Sagrada Familia

Then it was time to hop on the bus again until the next stop at Park Guell.

From the bus stop, it was about twohundred meter walking, uphill, to the entrance of the park. On the sidewalk I noticed a musician playing a violin. I took his picture and gave him some change I had in my pocket.

On the road to Park Guell was this musician

The park itself was worth the uphill walk. It is very different from normal parks but very beautiful. Not only the park itself was interesting but the view from the top of the hill was spectaculair.

This is what you see if you enter Park Guell

The view over Barcelona from Park Guell

It was geting warm now, about 30 degrees Celcius in the shade and on my way back to the busstop I bought a few botles of water. Then I took the bus again, skipped a few stops and went to Palau Reial Pavalos Guell.
This used to be a royal palace but is now a museum. I went in and security was like an airport All my luggage, my cameras and vest had to be x-rayed...... Strange for a museum but I guess they have a good reason. The entry was free so I did not complain.

The former royal palace, build in 1924

The interior is very nice

I did not want to wait for the bus so I walked, past the university buildings, to the next busstop, at the FC Barcelona Stadium. It is very commercial with official FC Barcelona merchandise and tours through the stadium but I am not a big socker fan so I just looked from the outside before I got on the bus again.

The very commercial FC Barcelona Stadium

At the MACBA-CCCB busstop, I left the bus again and walked to La Rambla, the famous street in Barcelona. A lot of souvenir shoips, bars, restaurants and other shops and street artist in the area between the two lanes. Very nice.
At an icecream shop on La ambla I bought a milkshake. It was nice but very expensive. I guess that is what you pay in a major tourist attraction......

Here I had a nice but expensive milkshake (5 euro for a small milkshake!)

La Rambla

In a sidestreet from La Rambla is a big covered marketplace, Marcat de la Boqueria

A big covered market, the Mercat de la Boqueria

Finaly I arrived at the harbour where the have a big statute of Christofel Columbus on a column near the harbour (pointing in the wrong direction, away from America), the Mirador de Colom.

A statute of Columbus

I still had my ticket for the tourbusses so now I hopped on a bus from the red line that rides past the beach and the marina.

Marina with very nice ships

The beach

My next stop was at the Parc de la Ciutadella. I took a picture of the nice entrance but did not get in. I walked some narrow alleys and strets to the Picasso Museum but the line here was aslo much to long for me so I did not buy a ticket.

The entrance of Parc de la Ciutadella

Through some more narrow streets ans alleys, I arrived at the cathedral and past the cathedral I walked back to the Plaza Catalunya.

The Cathedral

I was very happy I bought that bus ticket. With the bike it would have been much harder to see so many things and traffic in Barcelona is a madhouse. Because of the busy traffic and the warm weather, Barcelona has the most motorcycles and mopeds of any city in Europe !
If you know where you are going and not need a heavy motorcycle jacket, a motorcycle or moped is the perfect mode of transportation in Barcelona and you see rows of parked bikes everywhere.

Finaly I was back at the Plaza Catalunya and went underground to the Metro station.

Back at the Plaza Catalunya

At the infodesk they told me where to get the train back to the Moncada Ripollet station (line R3) and after fifteen minutes I was in the train back to the hotel........ until it stopped and something was announced in Spamish.....

Waiting in the Metro

Finaly it took more then half an hour before we started riding agian but I made it back to the right station. At the shopping center I bought some milk and orange juice and went back to the hotel to have a shower after a hot day in Barcelona.

The day ended very good with a wonderful dinner at the restaurant in the hotel.

Dinner in the hotel restaurant. Perfect !

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