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A trip to France and Spain

September 2012
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The Bike
The Preparations
My route
The Start

ITo the Nordcape
To Gibraltar

Sunday, September 2, 2012

From Orleans to Cahors

At a quarter past seven, my alarmclock started beeping so I got out of my bed and took a shower. Then I loaded my panniers on the bike and got a nice breakfast with a view on my bike.

Nice breakfast

After breakfast, I checked out and let the Tomtom show me the way to my next destination, Deltour Hotel in Cahors. After an hour riding through small villages, I came on a nice freeway with not much traffic. I programmed the Tomtom to avoid tollroads (peage in France) but this road was not a peage. (so freeway is the right name )

The freeway A20 to Cahors

The advantage of the freeway is that there are gas-stations with a shop and a restaurant every 50 kilometer so after my tripmeter showed 160 km, I stopped at a big gas-station "Relais de Mille Etangs" in Luant.
I filled my tank and then I parked the bike in front of the building to get some coffee. Next to my bike was another BMW that belonged to a couple from the UK who were also on their way to Spain.

Fuel and coffee stop in Luant

After another 150 km on the A20, I made another pitstop at "Relais de Porte Correze". After filling the tank, I bought some sandwitches and a sportdrink before I got on the road again.

Next fuel, eat and drink stop in Masseret

About 80 km before Cahors, the road became peage so I took the first exit and then I enjoyed some very nice roads. A lot of curves that were nice at speed (don't worry ma, a safe speed, not too fast) and great views.

After the nice freeway, the roads got better

After a while, I crossed the river "la Dordonge" near a small village "Lanzac". It was a nice bridge so I stopped for soem pictures when a French guy with a camper arrived at the bridge. I asked him if he would take my picture with my camera and he did.

At the bridge over "La Dordonge" near Lanzac

On the road to Cahors, I stopped at a strange building. First I thought it was a castle but it looked much to new and it had a garage so I guess it is or weas someone his dream that did not got finished. I wonder what the story behind it is.......

An unfinished castle/house

At ten minutes before three o'clock, I arrived at the hotel but the reception was closed until 4 PM. I should have known because it was on the reservation but I did not notice.

Deltour Hotel Cahors

Because I could not get my room yet, I got on the bike again and went into town. First I went to the Pont Valentre. The most interesting building in Cahors. On my way to the bridge, i stopped to get a picture of the river in the valley.

The river Lot, near the hotel

I parked the BMW close to the Pont Valentre and walked over the bridge to the other side and took a lot of pictures.

That is me in front of the Pont Valentre in Cahors

The Pont Valentre was build from 1308 to 1378

It was very interesting to see this strange building. From the Pont Valentre, I went to the city center and than back to the hotel. I checked in and left all my luggage in my room to go to a restauarant on the other site of the street to get something to eat and drink and then I went to my room again to work on my tripreport.

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright: Jan krijtenburg 2021