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To the "Viaduc de Millau".

September 8 to 14, 2008
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A daytour around Montcombroux (part 3)

After visiting all three floors of the clock museum, we walked the quiet streets of Charroux.

A cat in Charroux

Unfortunately I was suddenly very tired and did not feel well so we went to an outdoor café and found a table where I could sit in the shade. Then we ordered two Coca Cola's. They charged us € 3 for each can !!!

Waiting for our very expensive Coca Cola

When I did not feel so well, I thought about going back to the hotel but after sitting in the shade, drinking a cola and a short ride on the bike I felt much better so we decided to go to Vichy and taste the mineral water from the sources in Vichy.

On the road to Vichy, we stopped to look at a nice high steel railroad bridge.

Nice railroad bridge over the road to Vichy

The bridge crossed the river and also another bridge where the road crossed the river.

Bridge over bridge

When we arrived in Vichy we parked the bikes close to the bridge and when I wanted to take a picture, a funny lady with a little dog came dancing in the "picture". Robert and I like a joke so I took a picture with Robert and the funny lady and her dog.

Lady in Vichy

We walked the bridge and then got on the bikes and drove to the "Source de Celestin", one of the wells that gives Vichy it's famous mineral water.

Source de Celsetin

We parked the bikes on the road in front of the building where the well was and walked inside to get a closer look.

The well

A long time ago, someone decided that everybody should be able to use the Vichy water for free so people come with plastic bottles and fill them with the water from the well.
I tasted some of it too. It has a strange taste. Not bad but not nice either.

Here you can taste the water

Then we walked back to the bikes again and went to the center. We visited a big building where all the water from the wells comes in and can be used. You see a lot of elderly people walking around with a small braided "basked" with a glass. At given times they have to drink a glass of water from one well or another, depending on the cure they do.

Elderly people with their little baskets and glasses

When we walked outside, we saw this lady sitting in a chair doing a puzzle. It was a nice view with the interesting background and Robert gave me some tips how to make a good picture. I think it worked out good.

Lady with puzzle in Vichy

Then we walked to another building that is part of the whole source complex and took some pictures of the nice collored dome.

The dome

Inside was very interesting and colorful too. There was a fountain, colored tiles on the floor and mural-paintings. Very nice architecture.

Indoor fountain

From Vichy we rode back to Montcombroux. We only covered 113 kilometers all day but we have seen and experienced a lot. It was a wonderfull daytrip.

When we were back in Montcombroux it was dinnertime and just like yesterday, Janny cooked a delicious dinner and this time the weather was very nice so we enjoyed it in the garden.

Back in Montcombroux

After dinner we watched todays pictures on Roberts computer and then Robert and Janny went to bed and I went back to the hotel in Bert.

I parked the bike in the garage again and walked to the hotel. The door was closed now so I typed in the code to open it and turned the knob......nothing.
I tried it again and again..... nothing again. Just when I thought that I had to wake up the manager, I noticed another handle in the middle of the door. I tried the code one more time and now I turned both knobs and the door opened.

Hotel at night

Just when I went in, another hotelguest, an old man, came walking into the hallway in his underwear. He had heard the noise I made when trying to open the door and came checking out what was going on.
I apologized and quickly walked to my room upstairs. On my doorhandle I found a clean towel. I put the towel in the bathroom and went to bed.

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg, 2008