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To the "Viaduc de Millau".

September 8 to 14, 2008
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A daytour around Montcombroux (part 2)

From Louchy-Montfand we were riding to Montord. Then we saw the castle in the distance, behind the vineyards. A very Frech picture ;-)

The castle of Montord behind the vineyards

We parked the bikes on the side of the road to take some pictures and to taste some of the grapes in the vineyard. They tasted very good so I suppose they will make good wine.

A bunch of grapes

Another picture of the castle of Montord

Shortly after we left where we took the pictures of the castle of Montord, we saw a nice fortified farmhouse.Not very big but it was nice and well maintained.

Robert and his GL1800 in front of the farmhouse near Montord

On the roadside opposite to the farm was a mirror to watch for uncomming cars and that gave us a nice photo opportunity.......

Me in the mirror (picture by Robert)

Near D'Artanges we saw another fortified farmhouse, but this one was much bigger with a big wall and watchtowers on the corners.

Fortified farm, almost a castle

It was after two PM when we finaly found a restaurant. Unfortunately, French restaurants close at two PM............ We parked the bikes and Robert went inside to asked if we could have lunch here anyway.
They owner and his wife were having luch themself and their first answer was no but when Robert told that just a simple salad would be OK, they said it was OK.

Holiday in France is not bad at all

We had to wait until they had finished eating but then we got a very very good salad. Robert ordered a little wine and I had a "caraf de l'eau" that is a can with cold water. We got paté with the salad and then I had a piece of applepie for desert, finished with a cup of coffee. For the two of us we had to pay € 13 !!!

My lunch

How much closer to “living like God in France" can you be ? Enjoying a great lunch at an outdoor café with a good friend, our bikes cooling down from a ride through the scenic French countryside while the sun is shining and a cool breeze making it a very comfortable temperature !

Our bikes in front of the restaurant

After lunch we rode to the Charroux, a small town from the middle ages. We parked the bikes on the coblestone street and walked into the town.

While we were parking the bikes, a man on a horse and wagon passed us and started to chat about the bikes. He had a bike too.

Horse and wagon

A bicycle in front of the "Office De Tourisme"

A nice street

It is not a museum. People actualy live here

In Charroux, we visited "La maison des horloges", the clock museum in the center. They have all kinds of clocks and if you are inside when all the alarms go off, you have an interesting experience...........
More info about this nice museum can be found on

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg, 2008