
Travel pages

Horizons Unlimited Meeting in Belgium

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September 8-10, 2006

Sunrise at Widooie

After breakfast there was a lot to do. Two groups went on a ride-out, one off-road and the other on-road and there were interesting presentations and workshops.

I listened to some speakers and after a good lunch in the sunshine, I changed a tire in the "Basicguide to changing and maintaining tyres".
There was also a Yoga for bikers training but I was busy talking with other people so I did not go there.

Geting ready for the ride-out

Changing a tire.

The Yoga class.

In the evening there were some very nice presentations again and I had the chance to chat with some nice people so I had a very interesting and informative evening.

Starting the evening presentations.

After the presentations I went to my tent and soon I was asleep.

Sunday, September 10th, 2006

Again I was awake very early (thanks to a cock and a church bell) and again, breakfast was at eight. Again the meal was very good and together with a whole group we had coffee, chatted and enjoyed the nice weather.

Craigs Harley Ultra Glide

Enjoying the nice weather

At around ten oçlock I packed my bike and left. I did the same route as I did on the way to the meeting but this time I did not stop in Diest but at the MacDOnalds in Herentals. At half past two I had the bike in the garage again, after a wonderful weekend.
I can't wait to go next year :-)

Grant, Susan, Norbert, Francoise, Thierry and Mathew, thanks very much!

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Last modified: 7 April 2021
Copyright, Jan Krijtenburg, 2006